Thursday, September 13, 2007

In The Name Of Ram

TIRUCHI: Members of the Bharatiya Janata Party and Hindu front organisations were arrested in Tiruchi and neighbouring Thanjavur, Pudukottai and Perambalur districts on Wednesday after they attempted to stage road roko agitations condemning the Centre for trying to destroy the Ramar Sethu while implementing the Sethusamudram Ship Channel Project.

Ironically on the same day the Archaeological survey of India submitted a report in the apex court of India on the Ramar Sethu or Adam Bridge. The ASI in the report stated “there is No EVIDENCE to prove that Ramar Sethu or Adam Bridge is a man made structure, but it is natural deposit of sand.

The latest protest against Sethusamudram project is being fought on the religious grounds, but before taking the religion in hands the war against the dream project was fought on the security grounds, environmental aspects, and on socio economic grounds before we try to look in those grounds and the understand the fairness of the battle let us try to understand what is Sethusamudram project

The current route to south

Today the ships originating from west of India and destined for Chennai, Ennore, Vishakapatnam, Paradeep, Haldia and Kolkata have to travel around Srilankan coast resulting in increase of travel distance and time. Apart from this ships belonging to Indian Navy and Coast Guard need also to traverse around Srilanka. This long voyage is because of the existing water way is shallow and not sufficient for the movement of ships. This is due to the presence of a shallow region known as Adam’s bridge, located southeast of Rameswaram near Pamban, which connects the Talimannar Coast of Srilanka.

In order to reduce the steaming distances between the East and West Coast of India and to improve the navigation within territorial waters of India, a navigation channel connecting the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay through north of Adam's Bridge has been envisaged.

The canal will originate from the Tuticorin harbour in the south and run through the Gulf of Mannar, the Palk Bay and the Palk Strait in a north and northeast direction before joining the Bay of Bengal. In other words, the canal will be dredged through the shallow waters of Adam's Bridge and the Palk Bay. Its total length will be 152 km but it needs no dredging for 78 km in the Gulf of Mannar. The canal will be 300 m wide and 6 km long in the Adam's Bridge area, and another 68 km long in the Palk Bay and the Palk Strait area. Its depth will be 12 m, to enable ships with a draught of 10.7 m to pass through. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved the project on September 2, 2004, and announced the formation of Sethusamudram Corporation Limited to execute it. The Tuticorin Port Trust is the nodal agency for the project estimated to cost Rs.2, 000 crores.

Seen by the Tamils as ‘Suez of the east', the Sethusamudram project is a deam come true. But from the day it was announced in the parliament prtest from different groups mounted in different parts of the country and from south Asia

The first line of opposition came from the Sri Lankan government. The Sri Lankan government had appointed a committee consisting of scientific experts to study the environmental impact of the project on the island and they were of the unanimous conclusion that the project would bring adverse effects on the fragile environment of the island now naturally protected by what is called Ram Bridge. But what really happened in Sri Lanka? Though the Sri Lankan government opposing the project on the environment grounds but it was the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) is the first organization to oppose in Sri Lanka.

For Sri Lanka the ongoing ethnic struggle have increased the country’s expenses to many folds, and on the other hand there in no means of productivity and the manpower, under this economic scenario the shipping trade (in the existing route) is one of the major source of income and the natural harbors situated south west (Colombo) region benefits the sinhala government in two ways (1)the current harbors are in the south-western and south eastern region which is sinhala populated area, and controlled by the sinhala traders, (2) Any developmental activity related to harbor in the future can be confine to these region leaving the northern zoone as underdeveloped.

The impact of Sethusamudram project in Sri Lanka

The shipping operation from Sethusamudram canal will not only pave the way for Tamils in Tamil Nadu but the Tamils on the other side too. The ships not only from the western parts of India but any parts of the world will use Sethusamudram canal to reach the southern and eastern Indian harbors. This will reduce the movement of ships to the south western and south eastern costs of Sri Lanka. And the Sri Lanka government has to either shift or develop the Tamil populated north eastern and the north western ports. Shifting or developing the northern area of Sri Lanka will give new life to the Tamils who were deprived of any such measures of three to four decades.

The Sri Lanka government which is not willing to share the development with Tamils has opposed the project in the name of environment protection

Opposition on socio economic grounds

When Sethusamudram is in place, ships sailing from the west to the east coast of india will no more need to circumnavigate around Sri Lanka.

The channel will cut short sailing of an additional distance of 254-424 nautical miles and 21-36 hours of sailing time

Substantial saving can be had in ship time and bunkering costs. This will directly benefit the shipping industry and EXIM trade

There will be substantial savings for the shipping companies, exporters and importers, manufacturers. Trade will benefit from reduction in maritime transportation cost.

Indian fishing boats can transit freely though north of Adam's Bridge. This is not possible today.

The project will contribute to the national economy, develop the coastal districts of Tamilnadu, and improve the International competitiveness of India's exports.

A shorter navigation route between Kanyakumari and Tuticorin and other East coast ports of chennai, Ennore, Kakinada, Vishakapatnam, Paradip, Haidia and Kolkatta and ports in neighbouring countries such as Chittagong.

India's exports will become globally more competitive. Domestic, consumers will also be benefited with industries producing cheaper goods for the domestic market due to cost of raw material imports.

The project will facilitate coast movement of domestic cargo, leading to greater employment generation in the Ports and the industries in the vicinity.

Maritime trade in Tamilnadu, both coastal and international, will flourish with rapid development of existing minor port in Ramanathapuram.

Fishermen will directly benefit due to the potential for development of fishing harbours (between Nagapattinam and Tuticorin) with proper landing and storage facilities.

Development of existing major and minor ports and new ports will accelerate industrial development of the hinterlands resulting in huge employment opportunities in manufacturing units and service sectors.

The channel will become an invaluable asset from national defence and security point of view enabling easier and quicker access between the coasts. Indian Coast Guard and Naval ships will not have to circumnavigate around Sri Lanka.

Transshipment of Indian Cargo on foreign shores will gradually decrease and after some time stop altogether.

The Project will lead to considerable savings and earnings of foreign exchange. It is estimated that EXIM trade incurred on additional expenditure of approx Rs. 1000 Crores in foreign exchanging in transshipment of Indian cargo outside the country during the financial year 2003 -04 alone.

In the Name of lord Rama

The most recent war against the Sethusamudram project is being fought on the religious grounds, the Hindu fundamental political fronts argues, that the Sethusamudram canal will destroy the bridge that was constructed by lord Rama.

But this protest has to be seen in a border perspective The ASI in the report dose not only stated “there is No EVIDENCE to prove that Ramar Sethu or Adam Bridge is a man made structure, but it is natural deposit of sand. But gone beyond that and said there is no evidence to prove the mear existence of Rama himself and it is a mythical image, when the scientific truth are like this then why the political paries has to take up this issue some after two years after the commencement of the project

The current political trend in New Delhi is not stable, the left parties have already started their political campaign by damaging the Congress’s image in the Nuclear Deal. The BJP which has seen the power by destroying the masque lost the last parliamentary election because of the absence of any “issues”. Now the elections are much closer than expected the right wing hindu fundamental groups take up the issue and trying to bridge the Ram temple to Ram bridge,

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The “Tsunami Alerts “ means sleep in the streets

On September 12, an 8.2 magnitude earthquake shook Indonesia. The earthquake epicentered right off the coast of Sumatra, rattled buildings as far away as Jakarta, Malaysia and Thailand. At least three people were killed, with many more injured by falling buildings. A tsunami alert was issued for the area and a 2 foot high tsunami was reported at Padang, Sumatra. A tsunami watch has been posted by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center for the 24 countries surrounding the Indian Ocean including Australia, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Pakistan, Iran, Yemen and Kenya.

In Chennai, the police used the public address system to warn residents close to the seashore about the possibility of a tsunami occurring after the high intensity quake in Sumatra, as did district administration officials in Cuddalore.Fishermen were warned against venturing into sea. In Ramanathapuram, yet another coastal district, tourists were warned to stay away from the seashore. There were reports of people in a section of the villages, including Valinokkam and Erwadi being moved to safer places.

But information centres set up in eight villages registered no increase in the height of the waves, water current and wind speed.

It’s not the first time the People living in the coastal area under went such a chaotic situation and nightmares, ever since the Dec 24 incident many costal villages refused to sleep in their "home", children had nightmares there was a drastic change in their social behaviors and there was a steep drop down in their academic performance. The “Tsunami Alerts “continues to fuel their fear of Tsunami in the minds of the coastal population.

On the other hand the coastal parts of Tamil Nadu are filled with Non governmental Organizations and its sign boards.From the most popular NGO of the world to the world to the newest one, thousands of NGO's have opened their stalls and fighting to portray their rehabilitation work in the mass media, they are in to rehabilitation work at all the level from temporary shelters to the permanent ones, community building to restoring livelihoods but yet there is no scientific approach to educate the Tsunami as it is followed in Tsunami porn places like Hawaii

The joint effort of NGO,Government and the community has to work closely to make the people to know about the scientific facts about the Tsunami. creating fear and nightmare will only result in creating more confusion like the last night

Bann On Use of Cell Phones in Schools

Karnataka government has decided to ban the use of mobile phones by children under the age of 16 in schools and junior colleges. the government has stated that this decision has been taken in the interests of the children's health.

The cell phone industry meanwhile has said that there is no evidence to prove the health risk involved.

The government panel is debating the possible health hazards after a study on the risks from mobile phones. In its preliminary findings, the Telecom Engineering Centre (TEC) says mobile phone use puts some groups at risk. Children under 16 should be stopped from using mobiles as it can cause tissue damage.

what it really mean to us ?

CHILDREN under the age of eight should not use mobile phones, a resent reserch report says use of cell phone can cause tumours to ear and brainand, and the risks had been underestimated by most scientists.

Professor Sir William Stewart, chairman of the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB), said that evidence of potentially harmful effects had become more persuasive over the past five years.

In his report, Mobile Phones and Health, Sir William said that four studies have caused concern. One ten-year study in Sweden suggests that heavy mobile users are more prone to non-malignant tumours in the ear and brain while a Dutch study had suggested changes in cognitive function. A German study has hinted at an increase in cancer around base stations, while a project supported by the EU had shown evidence of cell damage from fields typical of those of mobile phones.

For children aged between 8 and 14, parents had to make their own judgments about the risks and benefits. “I can’t believe that for three to eight year-olds they can be readily justified,” he said.

David Hart, general secretary of the National Association of Headteachers, called last night for a ban on mobiles in schools.

Mobile phone companies reacted furiously, saying that the report fanned public concern without presenting new research. The youth market is highly lucrative because teenagers are more likely to use video downloads and other services.

The World Health Organisation is preparing to publish an international report, drawing on hundreds of studies conducted over a decade, which many hope will give a definitive judgment on mobile phone safety.

The board’s report says that while there is a lack of hard information of damage to health, the approach should be precautionary. Sir William said: “Just because there are 50 million of them out there doesn’t mean they are absolutely safe.”

One school in the North East has begun using mobile scanners to prevent pupils using mobiles in class. “Outside college hours it is up to parents, but in our care if mobiles are found on children, they are confiscated and returned to the parents,” David Riden, vice principal of Tollbar Business and Enterprise College in New Waltham, said.

One group that appears to target young users is Richard Branson’s Virgin Mobile, which derives much of its revenue from the 16s-35s market. It denies targeting under 16s but has cornered a large slice of the youth market with cheap voice and text messages.

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